LA Unscripted | August 28th, 2023

Bar . Santos is a small restaurant wine bar in Cypress Park that serves Portuguese food and Portuguese wine with a little bit of Spanish peppered in . It's a little homage to my culture .

LA Unscripted | August 28th, 2023

And I wanted to bring some of that to L A . So Barra just means bar in Portuguese and Santos is me and my family . My brother Miguel is an amazing cook .

LA Unscripted | August 28th, 2023

Came back to L A , read every Portuguese cookbook I could find . And this is my version of Portuguese food . I think for me , the menu is meant to be shared .

LA Unscripted | August 28th, 2023

And then last is one of our by the glass options . This is a Filia from Santiago and it's a , you know , I really enjoy food and beverage and people and the whole experience of being out dining and people coming together and breaking bread together . I think that's an important part of life .

LA Unscripted | August 28th, 2023

My great grandmother was an amazing cook as well and I was always in the kitchen with him as a young kid , Melissa and I have been friends now for several years , I had asked her if she wanted to come work with me and open a Portuguese restaurant . And she looked at me and asked me , what the hell is Portuguese food ? And so we decided to go to Portugal and eat our way through .