Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

Well , I think that the reason they do it is because they don't understand the biology because one hour seems trivial unless you understand that the repercussions of that one hour shift . Because what's also clear now , based on what you're saying is that that one hour shift is taking you out of alignment with the natural light dark cycle in exactly the wrong direction . It's pushing people to get even later in the summer when light is going to push you later .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

But there's this cumulative effect on the clock and these uh three elements of your tripartite model , right ? The homeostatic sleep and the light direct effects on mood . And when it's so close , it's sometimes hard to figure out how to adjust it perfectly because , you know , we're already sleep deprived in our society and then you shift it by , you know , so it , it just , it all accumulates and it has no benefit .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

I mean , it makes no , I'm saying , why don't we go campaign ? I would love to , I mean , it makes no sense to have the summer light goes up at 9 p.m. The light goes down where I live in Baltimore at 9 p.m. And then all of a sudden when you really want to see the light longer in the day , you now shift the other way and now it goes or at 6 p.m. Why do you do these drastic changes ? Well , let it blend across the whole season , you know , yes , later earlier at night , but it's at least consistent , it goes in a very consistent manner .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

I know people think , oh , because you're biased you because I think , wait , wait , wait , wait , sorry , the change . Are you talking about daylight saving daylight saving ? It's such a bad idea because it disrupts that rhythm that you're having because I think your body , if you keep that rhythm , you will see the whole seasonality .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

So you want me to suffer it dropping late . But that's not the case because what happens is when they shift it back after the daylight saving , now they're going to make you suffer really badly because now it's gonna be earlier in the fall in the fall when there is not enough light if they keep it the same way . So try to convince them that actually this at the end causes more trouble when you need the light for your late schedule in the fall .