Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

But there's this cumulative effect on the clock and these uh three elements of your tripartite model , right ? The homeostatic sleep and the light direct effects on mood . And when it's so close , it's sometimes hard to figure out how to adjust it perfectly because , you know , we're already sleep deprived in our society and then you shift it by , you know , so it , it just , it all accumulates and it has no benefit .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

So for once we're going to fight with some with another , a common battle as to , I mean , the circadian people , honestly , you give them credit , have been trying for years to abolish daylight savings . Yeah , the problem is they all go to sleep at 9 p.m. and wake up at 4 a.m. So we never see them . Uh , no , the circadian community has done an amazing job of figuring out what we need .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

I just rambled and this is , you made it , you made it clear . I mean , it's like literally , it made you , it made people who are having problems having an advanced sleep rhythm because they are delayed . Now you give them this hour to make them even more delayed , you push them even later in the day night cycle .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

And that has been proven that is very bad . Like people have done studies that literally two areas close to each other and areas that were the whole year on daylight saving has much more problems even in cancer rates and depression . So you don't want to do that .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

The homeostatic sleep and the light direct effects on mood . And when it's so close , it's sometimes hard to figure out how to adjust it perfectly because , you know , we're already sleep deprived in our society and then you shift it by , you know , so it , it just , it all accumulates and it has no benefit . When you work at a major government organization , National Institute of Mental Health .