Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

I would love to , I mean , it makes no sense to have the summer light goes up at 9 p.m. The light goes down where I live in Baltimore at 9 p.m. And then all of a sudden when you really want to see the light longer in the day , you now shift the other way and now it goes or at 6 p.m. Why do you do these drastic changes ? Well , let it blend across the whole season , you know , yes , later earlier at night , but it's at least consistent , it goes in a very consistent manner . I just don't understand why they do this .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

The homeostatic sleep and the light direct effects on mood . And when it's so close , it's sometimes hard to figure out how to adjust it perfectly because , you know , we're already sleep deprived in our society and then you shift it by , you know , so it , it just , it all accumulates and it has no benefit . When you work at a major government organization , National Institute of Mental Health .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

Uh , no , the circadian community has done an amazing job of figuring out what we need . And then the challenge of course , is making sure that people get what they need and making sure that at a societal level , we're not vaulting ourselves into the real , the biggest problem is that the late waking people , they think that really and I'm going to try to put it in a better way now they think , oh , because you're a morning person , you want to see the sun early . So you want me to suffer it dropping late .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

Well , I think that the reason they do it is because they don't understand the biology because one hour seems trivial unless you understand that the repercussions of that one hour shift . Because what's also clear now , based on what you're saying is that that one hour shift is taking you out of alignment with the natural light dark cycle in exactly the wrong direction . It's pushing people to get even later in the summer when light is going to push you later .

Why Daylight Saving Time is Bad for Your Health | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

And it's really nice . If you think if you keep it consistent in the spring , you get the , you know , when you get the equinox and then the days start going up and then even in the summer , start going down and then the fall , you get the other equinox and go back . So it's very symmetrical , right ?