LA Unscripted | October 4th, 2023

So when I was young , actually , particularly in my early twenties , I developed a lot of G I issues myself . And after I'd been to every medical specialist , someone had referred me to an acupuncturist and this person had actually given me a compounded formula from traditional Chinese medicine that had made such a big difference . In the next 30 days .

LA Unscripted | October 4th, 2023

I actually ended up living in China and that became this Odyssey of where I am today . Are there any foods that cause more gut issues than others ? For a lot of people , it's mostly carbs that cause a lot of the bloating .

LA Unscripted | October 4th, 2023

Well , technically , I'd have to have your whole medical history . So today , what we can do is we'll do some moxibustion which helps improves blood flow and circulation , feels warm but not like uncomfortable . So I know we didn't really do a full treatment .

LA Unscripted | October 4th, 2023

So let's go get my gut checked . So gut health is important for many different reasons . One is that the gut plays a functional role in actually how well your brain functions , cognitive function , neurodegenerative diseases , but even issues like inflammation or small intestine bacterial overgrowth that so many people complain about today .

LA Unscripted | October 4th, 2023

One is that the gut plays a functional role in actually how well your brain functions , cognitive function , neurodegenerative diseases , but even issues like inflammation or small intestine bacterial overgrowth that so many people complain about today . I'm Dr Alex , he doctor of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine . Doctor Alex .