What Is Muscle Soreness? It Isn't Muscle Tears... | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But I was trained early on in my scientific career to always question the seemingly obvious . So a couple of questions about soreness . First of all , what does soreness really reflect ?

What Is Muscle Soreness? It Isn't Muscle Tears... | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And it's one that I think most people are familiar with themselves , which is soreness . We think of it as a muscle soreness . But I was trained early on in my scientific career to always question the seemingly obvious .

What Is Muscle Soreness? It Isn't Muscle Tears... | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I do have a question about recovery . And it's one that I think most people are familiar with themselves , which is soreness . We think of it as a muscle soreness .

What Is Muscle Soreness? It Isn't Muscle Tears... | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And then I'm particularly interested in this concept or this experience that many of us including myself had , which is delayed onset muscle soreness . Why would it be that when we are less in shape or when we perform a movement that is extremely novel to us , the soreness seems to arrive after a reasonable delay of maybe even a day , you know , we're fine the next day . But then 48 hours later , we are exceedingly sore .

What Is Muscle Soreness? It Isn't Muscle Tears... | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But then 48 hours later , we are exceedingly sore . And as we get more fit or more familiar with the movement , the soreness seems to arrive earlier . So I realize I just asked you about three questions or more .