Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

I think part of it is evolutionary , right ? So the human brain is a phenomenal problem solving instrument , but it's also just as much of a troublemaker , right ? So the human brain is designed to keep us alive , not necessarily to keep us happy .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

So the human brain is a phenomenal problem solving instrument , but it's also just as much of a troublemaker , right ? So the human brain is designed to keep us alive , not necessarily to keep us happy . Although if we stay alive , the chance of being happy , at least in these bodies are , is a lot better , right ?

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

It kind of becomes compounded very quickly . Um But it starts with a brain that's set up to solve problems and to find problems to solve . If you can't find them , it will create them in order to solve the problems .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

It drives people nuts , they hate it . So what generally happens is that the brain will kick in and say there's basically too much stress and anxiety here on the system and we need to go in one direction or the other . And in order to do that , we need to rationalize in every way humanly possible .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

At least I do availability entrepreneur basically takes advantage of a bias in the brain . There's a bias in the brain called the availability bias . Um And the idea is that um when really negative experiences are consistently brought to mind in our recent in memory , we tend to overvalue uh the truth and credibility in those experiences and it makes good sense because again , the brain is set up to look for threats and danger in order to protect you or keep you alive , right ?