Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

It's a great answer . And , and do you think once an empath always an empath or do you think you can dial it up or dial it down ? Oh , it's a great question .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

I was a good kid , but he understood how quickly it could go sideways . So all of that combined with this sort of empath , uh sort of personality style that I had . And then on top of that , I was a deep thinker , like , not always in healthy ways .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

But as I got older , it didn't happen man . And part of that was because one an empath . So I thought everybody else is stress and anxiety and emotions all the time .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

Robert , I really love it . Uh My ability to be more empathetic , to comprehend data , like to all of those good things has dramatically improved , but it's still a work in progress at times as well . And you're right about the fear like most of them are intuitive , positive responses .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

Um Yes , I mean , I would say that you can , um , what you can do is you can become a little or a lot better at not being consumed by other people's thoughts , feelings and emotions and perceptions , you know , like you can do , you can doubt in and doubt out on that . Um And yet I think I would say that as you continue to evolve , you can do it in a way that doesn't make you less empathetic . That doesn't make you care less for people .