Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

Right ? So happiness is sort of this cheat code or master key to being more successful in all areas of your life . Well , why do you think people seem to struggle , at least in my experience seem to struggle so much with being ok with being more happy .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

You know , we know based on lots of research that the happier you are , the easier you are to get along with and the more kind you are , the more charitable you are um the more generous you are , it just makes you a better kinder , more generous charitable person . So our happiness is our gift to the world and that can be often hard to convince people off . But it's like if you don't take care of yourself .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

Um and it comes through you . So lots of good reasons out there in the world to feel happy and lots of things that people can encourage you to be happy . But at the end of the day only you can make yourself happy and it's a great name for a book and so good .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

We grow up in a society where most folks aren't truly deeply happy from the inside out . And instead they're trying to route their happiness through other pe people , other things , other places , other activities . Right .

Coach Robert Mack - From attempted suicide to Celebrity Happiness Coach!

I'm a happiness coach . Only because I struggled with happiness for so long . I never imagined that I would , first of all , ever be happy .