NIL Tips

The second reason is that there's been a massive financial investment into nil by athletic departments while college athletes are out on the front , sharing photos on their social media . College athletic departments have begun beefing up their nil departments behind the scenes . This includes dedicated social media teams for athletes , photo shoot rooms and information sessions on L talking about how to grow your brand for athletes , but it isn't just about the resources alumni have built up l funds that alumni are able to use as a tax write off to funnel money to their favorite college athletes to come to their school .

NIL Tips

It's social media . The second reason is that there's been a massive financial investment into nil by athletic departments while college athletes are out on the front , sharing photos on their social media . College athletic departments have begun beefing up their nil departments behind the scenes .

NIL Tips

And without further ado , let's talk about how we got here in the first place on July 1st 2021 . The NC A changed everything forever allowing college athletes to profit off their name image and likeness prior to this , all college athletes couldn't monetize their likeness , make money off camps , autographs , et cetera . It's pretty much the main reason why E A stopped making those college sports video games because they couldn't pay the players for their likeness .

NIL Tips

And don't worry , I'm going to lay out the blueprint for you to repeat it shortly . Athletes like LSU , Gymnast , Libby Dunn or lacrosse stars like Drip King or are proving that less popular sports are still able to make an impact in nil and recruits should be taking note of this when recruits are looking at colleges , they should really be asking their coaches , what is their outlook on nil for their athletes ? Now , lots of college coaches frown upon nil because they believe it takes time away from their athletes focusing on their sport .

NIL Tips

And how can you get looped in ? And third , while many would assume that football and basketball and other revenue generating sports would have a disproportionate amount of opportunities nil has actually leveled the playing field more than many thought for a high school swimming recruit out there thinking , ah , I can't make any money off nil . You actually can .