NIL Tips

So make sure you get paid up front or have specific terms by sticking to these three tips , you'll have a leg up on your peers and know what to do when brands approach you . Now that we know not to do with brands , here are three tips that all college athletes can use to capitalize on nil the right way . Lots of my teammates when I was in college came up to me and were always asking how I got NL deals and I thought I might as well just give you guys the full playbook .

NIL Tips

And without further ado , let's talk about how we got here in the first place on July 1st 2021 . The NC A changed everything forever allowing college athletes to profit off their name image and likeness prior to this , all college athletes couldn't monetize their likeness , make money off camps , autographs , et cetera . It's pretty much the main reason why E A stopped making those college sports video games because they couldn't pay the players for their likeness .

NIL Tips

This includes dedicated social media teams for athletes , photo shoot rooms and information sessions on L talking about how to grow your brand for athletes , but it isn't just about the resources alumni have built up l funds that alumni are able to use as a tax write off to funnel money to their favorite college athletes to come to their school . This has led to some high school athletes signing multi million dollar deals with NL funds . Before even stepping foot on campus .

NIL Tips

In fact , it would have been celebrated by the NCAA . You see when college athletes become content creators and are sharing their lives on social media , they're actually impacting the next generation of college athlete recruits , which brings me to my first topic , how nil impacts recruiting . Now , there's plenty of ways that NL has impacted college sports recruiting , but we're going to look at the top three reasons starting with the impact on future recruits .

NIL Tips

And how can you get looped in ? And third , while many would assume that football and basketball and other revenue generating sports would have a disproportionate amount of opportunities nil has actually leveled the playing field more than many thought for a high school swimming recruit out there thinking , ah , I can't make any money off nil . You actually can .