Jocko's Workout Routine | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And some of the best examples we know from sport and certainly from academia are people who knew they were at a disadvantage and just worked 10 times harder than everybody else because they had an ax to grind with their genetic disadvantage , which is really cool at the face of it . So you get , you get the training and do you track your training in , in a detailed way ? Are you keeping track of lifts ?

Jocko's Workout Routine | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I was curious , you get up early at about 430 you train every morning . How long do you train for ? And is there any global structure to that ?

Jocko's Workout Routine | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you get , you get the training and do you track your training in , in a detailed way ? Are you keeping track of lifts ? And so I write down what I do and I'll write down , I , I write down what I do every day and that way I can go back and say , you know , what was I doing back then ?

Jocko's Workout Routine | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I'm not gonna ask for your daily routine . We know that you get up early , you train , but I do have some specific questions I think would be helpful in putting some meat on the , the kind of uh the notions about you . And again , this isn't to pick into your life , but more to , to grab .

Jocko's Workout Routine | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I hate to get into daily schedules at the level of nitpicking and nutrition is about the most controversial topic on the internet . Um , but do you nourish after you train ? And if you do , do you do it to the point where you're kind of like , ok , I'm mostly full or I'm full .