LA Unscripted | September 7th, 2023

I , I firmly believe this is that you , if you do a lot of great work , you have to have a whole lot of faith . Faith has to be your North Star and just be kind along entrepreneurial journey because it will pay in dividends . We're changing the world one island at a time .

LA Unscripted | September 7th, 2023

It was his best . But seven and I have always had an interest in entrepreneurship and just being really the boss of our own lives and being in the driver seat of our own lives . Ultimately , we want to be brand that we didn't see in the world and creating the brand was this amazing opportunity to bet on ourselves and to invest in ourselves as well .

LA Unscripted | September 7th, 2023

But seven and I have always had an interest in entrepreneurship and just being really the boss of our own lives and being in the driver seat of our own lives . Ultimately , we want to be brand that we didn't see in the world and creating the brand was this amazing opportunity to bet on ourselves and to invest in ourselves as well . We didn't have a road map .

LA Unscripted | September 7th, 2023

So the her suite is all about being happy , empowered rested . This suite was designed with a lot of local partners , females that have built businesses based upon core principles that they find important to them . So the products inside the room , we have 10 to 12 partnerships from local area businesses , the all female owned and operated .

LA Unscripted | September 7th, 2023

This is good . Women owned and women run businesses make up 40% of all businesses in America and they're run by fierce females just like this one . Hey , I'm Carolyn at Silver Lake Fencing and Dana I dare you to a duel .