How Marijuana Affects the Brain & Body | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But in terms of thinking about the creative aspects or the creative tivity , stimulating aspects of cannabis , not um sort of productivity oriented , so narrowed , focus , elevated mood , more relaxed and yet energetic . That's the major effects of the sativa varieties except , and this is a really big bold faced triple underline , except except in some individuals depending on dosage , but also depending on pre existing neural circuitry and propensity for anxiety . Some people ingest or smoke sativa varieties .

How Marijuana Affects the Brain & Body | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so the sativa varieties tend to increase CB one activation in the prefrontal cortex and in other circuitry that then leads to a kind of overall reduction in stress because of the way that prefrontal circuitry can reduce activation of the amygdala . Now , that of course , does not explain why some people become very stressed and very paranoid when they smoke sativa varieties or other varieties of cannabis or ingest other varieties of cannabis . We'll talk about the paranoid effect and why that occurs and who might predict that would occur to them in a , in a little bit .

How Marijuana Affects the Brain & Body | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , without going into an extensive deep dive into the different neurotransmitter systems of the brain and body , what we know for sure is that CB one receptors are present on an enormous number of different neurons and brain structures and neural circuits . So that the sativa varieties that act as sort of a stimulant , making people feel happy because in general , they do tend to elevate mood , at least at certain dosages , talkative , uh tend to make people feel um like they have ideas that are interesting that they might wanna share um tend to narrow their context . So we tend to increase focus .

How Marijuana Affects the Brain & Body | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And you turn off thinking and planning . This is why Indica varieties are often used for relaxation and for promoting sleep , regardless of whether or not sativa or indica variety . And again , regardless of the ratio of THC to CBD , there is a general suppression of neural circuits within the so called basal ganglia and cerebellum , basal ganglia and cerebellum are areas of the brain that are involved in action planning and withholding action .

How Marijuana Affects the Brain & Body | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Regardless of the ratio between THC and CBD , people will experience intense anxiety and paranoia . Now , how do you predict who will experience intense anxiety and paranoia and who will experience intense relaxation , focus and sense of creativity from ingesting or smoking in type one , type two or type three sativa . Well , there is no way to predict that and there's a lot of , kind of what I would call street lore or dorm room lore or kind of , um , pure , not peer reviewed , uh , but , uh , sort of pure disgust .