The True Purpose of Meditation | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So the illusory of the self doesn't cut against any of those obvious facts . So the , the , the , the , the sense of self that is illusory . Um And again , we might want to talk about self in other modes because the , there's , there's just a lot of interest there psychologically and , you know , ultimately , um scientifically , um the , the thing that doesn't exist , uh it certainly doesn't exist as it seems .

The True Purpose of Meditation | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So the illusory of the self doesn't cut against any of those obvious facts . So the , the , the , the , the sense of self that is illusory .

The True Purpose of Meditation | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you're gonna lower your stress and you're gonna increase your focus and you're gonna , you know , stave off cortical thinning and there's all kinds of good things that science is saying meditation will , will give you . Um And none of that entails really drilling down on this paradoxical claim that the self is an illusion or , or , or anything else of that sort . But from my point of view , the real purpose of meditation and its real promise is not in this long list of , of benefits .

The True Purpose of Meditation | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And in addition to that , they feel that they are a subject internal to the body , you know , very likely in the head . Most people feel like they're behind their face as a kind of locus of awareness and thought and intention and , and , and that is , it's almost like they , you're a passenger inside your body . You don't , most people don't feel identical to their bodies and they can imagine this , this is so the origin , the psychological origin and you know , the the folk psychological origin of , of a sense of that , there's , there might be a soul that could survive the death of the body .

The True Purpose of Meditation | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Most people feel like they're behind their face as a kind of locus of awareness and thought and intention and , and , and that is , it's almost like they , you're a passenger inside your body . You don't , most people don't feel identical to their bodies and they can imagine this , this is so the origin , the psychological origin and you know , the the folk psychological origin of , of a sense of that , there's , there might be a soul that could survive the death of the body . I mean , most people are , are what my friend Paul Bloom calls common sense dualist , right ?