Regular Guy Friday Refresh ep. 122: Exploring Self-Discovery and Empowerment

There are so many great takeaways in this episode . Some of my favorites are asking ourselves great questions like what another one is the importance of accountability partner and the things we believe in our hearts and how they affect our lives . I know you're gonna love this episode and I am so excited to share it with you .

Regular Guy Friday Refresh ep. 122: Exploring Self-Discovery and Empowerment

So by add , just taking that time and this wife was really brilliant of her and I'm sure this is why she did it because it forces you to answer those questions . First of all , it's forcing you to ask those questions because you , again , you're too busy being thrown around by life . Most of us are too busy dodging missiles and , and jumping over barrels like in Donkey Kong M mo , most of us are too busy doing that , either jumping them or smashing them .

Regular Guy Friday Refresh ep. 122: Exploring Self-Discovery and Empowerment

But I love asking those two questions . Get it out to the first of all , take the time to figure out what those questions are . Don't just randomly come up with them .

Regular Guy Friday Refresh ep. 122: Exploring Self-Discovery and Empowerment

I think she wanted more creativity or something like that . And someone else from the group was able to jump in and she was like , I'll be your accountability partner and you can like it was Kevin . It was really , really special and cool and we just have the best .

Regular Guy Friday Refresh ep. 122: Exploring Self-Discovery and Empowerment

If you're a woman , you're , you're , you're jumping them . But to pause and ask ourselves those questions and just by pausing , you go , you get the light bulb of , hey , you know what number one I realize I do want more of this . And I also realize I want less of that .