David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

Where does it all start ? And what are the six attributes you look for in new hires ? Well , when I'm hiring people , I like people who are reasonably intelligent .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

And what are the six attributes you look for in new hires ? Well , when I'm hiring people , I like people who are reasonably intelligent . I don't want geniuses .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

I ask them to create a list of the five most important criteria and rank that money is usually ranked number one . And the others include location , team , opportunity , learn , opportunity , opportunity , promotion in the industry . Enjoyment is very low on the list .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

I don't want geniuses . I've hired geniuses that are hard to manage . I'm looking for reasonable intelligence .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

I'm looking for reasonable intelligence . I'm looking for a pretty good work ethic . I'm looking for people that know how to share the credit and get along with other people because you can't do anything by yourself .