David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

And , and you said your career was filled with more mistakes than success . So tell us what are the ingredients to success and how do we get there ? Oh , I think success comes about because you have some goals , you try to work hard towards those goals .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

You'll find something you love and when you love it and you know , you love it , you're more likely to be successful in it . I want to talk about the ingredients of excellence . I saw a quote from you and you , you've mentioned a few times here .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

So um I tell my own Children try different things , experiment and I tell students when I speak to them , experiment , try different things . You'll find something you love and when you love it and you know , you love it , you're more likely to be successful in it . I want to talk about the ingredients of excellence .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

So tell us what are the ingredients to success and how do we get there ? Oh , I think success comes about because you have some goals , you try to work hard towards those goals . You learn how to get along with other people and share the credit .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

Let's talk about the value of work ethic , which I believe is the most important ingredient of our success in your personal and professional life . When you worked in the White House for President Carter , one of your colleagues said you were the first person to arrive on the first day of the administration , the last one to leave on the last day , you were rumored to live in your West Wing office and you became semi famous when a magazine described your daily routine , which included regularly eating dinner from the White House vending machines .