David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

Let's talk about the value of work ethic , which I believe is the most important ingredient of our success in your personal and professional life . When you worked in the White House for President Carter , one of your colleagues said you were the first person to arrive on the first day of the administration , the last one to leave on the last day , you were rumored to live in your West Wing office and you became semi famous when a magazine described your daily routine , which included regularly eating dinner from the White House vending machines .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

You told the magazine that machine food is underrated . How important is work ethic on our path to excellence and this part of this , can we go back ? And can you tell us how many , what kind of time you put in a week when you first started your career and how much , what you're uh spending per week now , even after you're one of the most successful people in the world ?

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

I'm looking for reasonable intelligence . I'm looking for a pretty good work ethic . I'm looking for people that know how to share the credit and get along with other people because you can't do anything by yourself .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

Um I don't think is a , as a , as a vice . I think generally the people who are the most successful in the world with some exceptions are people that work very hard at their craft . Uh Maybe they work hard with the young person , they perfected the skills as Tiger Woods did or maybe , uh , they just were the scholar and they just really worked hard early on and they got certain intellectual skills .

David Rubenstein talks philanthropy, work ethic, and the secret to success

You can have a luck in life , I guess . But the people that win Nobel Prizes or get on to great professional uh um accomplishments are generally people who work hard . You rarely see somebody uh not working hard and you rarely see somebody doing something great where they hated what they were doing .