LA Unscripted | July 20th, 2022

So pretty , pretty cool . So , if anyone's interested in learning more about our team , I encourage people to check us out on Instagram at Navy parachute team or Navy League frogs dot com . Oh my God .

LA Unscripted | July 20th, 2022

I'm jumping out of a plane but not just any plane . I'm jumping out of a plane with the Navy and the leap frogs like they do the air shows , going to land on the beach with this guy . Nick .

LA Unscripted | July 20th, 2022

In my opinion , it's hard to find something that we do that's not exciting , but falling to the earth at 100 and 21 MPH is pretty cool . So we're uh the US Navy's official parachute demonstration team . Our mission is to travel around the country , demonstrating naval excellence at different events and uh doing different outreach events just to spread the word of naval special warfare and navy recruiting .

LA Unscripted | July 20th, 2022

So we're uh the US Navy's official parachute demonstration team . Our mission is to travel around the country , demonstrating naval excellence at different events and uh doing different outreach events just to spread the word of naval special warfare and navy recruiting . So we have an important mission .

LA Unscripted | July 20th, 2022

Yeah , it was cool from tr tricks to skydiving skills . Now our Olivia de Bartoli takes a leap with the US Navy's elite parachute team . This is the greatest day ever .