Happiness Leads to Success with Celebrity Happiness Coach Robert Mack

You know , the problem and the solution are on two different pages . Happiness and unhappiness are on two different pages . You simply cannot get East by going west in this particular way , right ?

Happiness Leads to Success with Celebrity Happiness Coach Robert Mack

So it's taking the direct short path to happiness and therefore success and love and health and abundance . And so that's all about stepping all the way back from your life and asking yourself first and foremost , what is this very long life , especially if I'm unhappy or miserable and also a very short life , particularly if I'm happy and having a great time . What's it all for ?

Happiness Leads to Success with Celebrity Happiness Coach Robert Mack

Most of my life , if I were to describe it in a late person's way , I'd say most of my life , I was deeply , truly unhappy . In other words , I was perfectly unaware of the innate and intrinsic and inherent happiness that existed within myself and all of us at all points in time .

Happiness Leads to Success with Celebrity Happiness Coach Robert Mack

So thank you so much for saying and sharing that . And um to your earlier point , you know , most of my life , if I were to describe it in a late person's way , I'd say most of my life , I was deeply , truly unhappy . In other words , I was perfectly unaware of the innate and intrinsic and inherent happiness that existed within myself and all of us at all points in time .

Happiness Leads to Success with Celebrity Happiness Coach Robert Mack

Robert . Yes , I have spent , I would say more than 95% of my life unhappy . And I had a conversation with my son recently because he chose a college and he decided it wasn't right , the college for him .