Avoid Weight Training Plateaus & Helping Nonresponders | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The volume is getting to you . However , if you're not seeing adaptations , then I'd say maybe the repetitions aren't enough . And so that's like , that's the kind of game you're running .

Avoid Weight Training Plateaus & Helping Nonresponders | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And if so , um , so we'll always report those individual data because when you go to the train , you're , you're , you , you're not the group average that's very important to know , right ? So if you do that , you can see a beautiful line of these hyper responders , the bell curve in the middle of the normal responders and those folks who like through any training study just won't get any better . Um If you can tease out what you can't , but let's say in science , you could tease out all the extra factors , total stress load , hydration , sleep , et cetera .

Avoid Weight Training Plateaus & Helping Nonresponders | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

What you often see is nonresponders a lot of the time . It's not that they have a physiological inability , it's just that they , they need a different protocol and a lot of times it's , they just need more volume . So if they can handle that and they're not excessively beat up , just give them more volume and they tend to see a lot of breakthroughs .

Avoid Weight Training Plateaus & Helping Nonresponders | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But because um I also played soccer and skateboarding , but I didn't do any baseball , basketball or football , muscle groups like deltoids are very challenging to activate and isolate . So I do think that early development is super imposed on a genetic template that sort of predicts which muscle groups are going to be easier or harder to isolate and , and train . It's also a very good case for why it's important to do as many different athletic activities as you can in your youth .

Avoid Weight Training Plateaus & Helping Nonresponders | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um You see the same thing with plateaus . Um So typically it sort of just like , OK , the routine you're on , you've been on it for too long , we need to either go to the other end of the hypertrophy spectrum for intensity , which means like if you've been in the like 60 to 70% of your one or petition max range , maybe we actually need to go heavier . Uh take our repetitions down , maybe even our total volume down and go heavier .