How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I thought , oh , that's something we can play with , right ? Like they are elite and they are accomplished . But that visual strategy isn't necessarily something that you have to be in the perfect physical condition to be able to adopt .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Yeah . So , you know , those Olympic athletes that we , that we started by interviewing , they tended to be sprinters . They were more often sprinters , short distance sprinters .

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

What's going on on the side , who's behind them , who's in front of them , they probably have this like master sense , this master visual plan at any point in time . And that's what probably makes them elite . So when I started asking them , is that the case , do you , do you really pay attention to what's in your surroundings ?

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Is this a tactic we can teach people ? The answer is yes , you can tell people about what these Olympic athletes are doing . You can tell them about what the New York road runners runners are doing and just using the same language that I just use with you , right ?

How to Reach Your Goals with a Science-Backed Tool | Dr. Emily Balcetis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

There's a bunch of people that were sitting down on the ground and I would be hard pressed to know who's the high school student that's in this group and then who , as it turns out are some of the fastest runners in the world . Like , you know , one of the people that was in the , the last Olympics before I showed up on the gold medal for the 400 m and , and from the looks of them , I mean , of course , their bodies are in better shape than mine , but there's nothing so pretentious . Of course , they're not wearing their medals .