It's paradise is B bear . So just the scenery and the coaching at that time , just let me here and advice I lead or advice I'd give to any kid getting ready or going through this recruiting process is ask the tough questions the coach like , realistically you're recruited to , you're committing to the program , you're not committing to a coach . So if you don't like the program , if you don't like certain things about the school , if you don't like location , et cetera , blah , blah , the coach might not be there .


But the best um advice a mentor I ever gave me was probably to stay the course and just don't give up , like , just be confident in yourself and your ability or whatever it is because it can , it carries over to whatever sports you play . I thought football was a better fit for me when I just was realizing how slow my recruiter was going for basketball due to COVID and there's only 15 spots on a basketball roster . So there's only so many spots for every high school guy and when more guys have more eligibility , that's less spots for the high school guys .


Cause a lot of times then I'm changing your position when you get here anywhere . What led me to FA U was uh NFL Hall of Famer recruited me , hires a lawyer was uh my recruiter to FA U and just believing what he was saying . And then it's also beautiful down here .


So if you focus on those things and you put yourself in every possible way to get into college coaches , eyes , you're gonna make it . And also don't feel like you're too big to reach out to college coaches like you're , you're not too good to reach out to the college coach cause they take their dams a lot of times . So you might just get lucky and a co sponsor D MS like your film and you get the offer that you've been looking for .


Care about how worried about how good you are at your sport , how athletic you are focus on your body , focus on eating , get bigger , be ready to go to college cause nowadays you have to be ready as soon as you get on campus . So if you focus on those things and you put yourself in every possible way to get into college coaches , eyes , you're gonna make it . And also don't feel like you're too big to reach out to college coaches like you're , you're not too good to reach out to the college coach cause they take their dams a lot of times .