Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

Such a great question , Jackie . Um I think that by first and foremost , we want to be the change that we want to see in them , right ? It's a cliche , but cliches become cliches for a reason .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

So it was , I was amazing . I was completely changed within five days . So I completely believe in this .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

And so , but until you do that , you're always gonna fall into these comparison and competitive sort of traps . Um But it's the one thing that will always compromise your happiness um because you're not meant to be like anyone else in the world . I mean , that's what makes you , you , that's why every snowflake is different because they all all have something uniquely divine to offer in terms of gifts and talents and services .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

Emotion by far , is exponentially more contagious than any virus has ever been because you can literally infect people through the phone , through email , through text messages through video through , you know , and so it's important to remember that . So the number one thing we can do is we can be peace ourselves and help other people experience the piece just through knowing us , right ? Just through connecting with us .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

You are so positive and I absolutely adore you . What are some things that people at home can do ? Obviously there's exercise , there's , you know , picking up the phone and talking to a positive friend .