Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

But believe it or not as contagious as COVID is this emotional experience that we're all having is way more contagious . Emotion by far , is exponentially more contagious than any virus has ever been because you can literally infect people through the phone , through email , through text messages through video through , you know , and so it's important to remember that . So the number one thing we can do is we can be peace ourselves and help other people experience the piece just through knowing us , right ?

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

How's that gonna help the person down the street or the person around the corner ? But believe it or not as contagious as COVID is this emotional experience that we're all having is way more contagious . Emotion by far , is exponentially more contagious than any virus has ever been because you can literally infect people through the phone , through email , through text messages through video through , you know , and so it's important to remember that .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

But you want to create some structure for your life . And as part of that structure , what you want to be doing is you wanna be optimizing for the kinds of emotional experiences that you want your life ultimately to be about . So for me , my day is just about getting work done and about getting chores done .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

So for me , that means exercise for sure , we know that 30 minutes of a moderate exercise is the equivalent to taking a antidepressant and anti anxiety pill . It has that much of a powerful positive effect on our psychological and emotional well-being . Um We also know that a mindfulness practice is just gold .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

You know , but it's this story in your head that convinces you that the next drink will give you more happiness to the next the next . But if you're really in touch with what you're feeling psychologically , emotionally , physically , spiritually , as you're drinking or as you're smoking , you're doing something unhealthy , you'll quickly know what's right or healthy and what's not and unhealthy . And it becomes much easier to drop that addiction without the pain that we usually associate with breaking an addiction .