Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

But as you practice , you get better , I love that . So as you got out of this state of wanting to take your own life , how did you enter this journey ? What was the , the turning point for you ?

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

But actually just the opposite happened . I became more and more depressed , so depressed that eventually I started doing research on ways to kill myself . And I got to a place where I knew I didn't have access to a lot of means and methods , um , to make that happen .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

I mean , I was suicidal I mean , that's how I do the work I do today . I was suicidal . I was deeply depressed .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

I was suicidal . I was deeply depressed . Um , not for a whole lot of good reasons .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

Oh , yeah , you nailed it . I mean , I was suicidal I mean , that's how I do the work I do today . I was suicidal .