Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

Um Certainly not necessarily avoiding someone that's down because that would be like , you know , being a bad friend . But what are some tools and strategies that we can employ in this time of crisis ? Yeah .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

You wanna be that love , you wanna be that happiness , you wanna be that peace . And so that means first and foremost , doing what you can to self soothe to emotionally regulate , to be cognitively agile so that you're reaching for and diving into increasing peace , happiness and love yourself . Lots of us overlooked that and we think , oh , that's not doing very much .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

And so essentially , what you're wanting to do is you're wanting to build an optimistic explanatory style that lets you build self confidence in a deeper , deeper way that lets you be resilient . And so in the face of adversity or failure , you're able to bounce back in ways that are increasingly happy and peaceful and loving and you come out better on the other side of it , right ? And so really at the end of the day , it's a lot to say about just wanting to recruit and entertain and feed and fuel thoughts that are helpful , not necessarily thoughts that are truthful .

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

And so I agree with you totally . You know , the challenge right now is that and the opportunity is that lots of folks , you know , before all this pandemic , we had an epidemic of stress and loneliness and of folks feeling loved , uh loveless , you know , without love . OK ?

Happiness, Love and Fulfillment with Rob Mack and Jacquie Blaze

So for me , my day is just about getting work done and about getting chores done . But really , it's about how can I optimize my life so that I feel the kind of meeting and the peace and the happiness that I'm ultimately after , right ? So for me , that means identifying what we call Happiness Islands .