What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Like your joints feel good , you feel fresh , you feel activated and you really feel peak power . Anything before that is a warm up set in the sport of Olympic weightlifting . Um A lot of times the coaches will measure Barba velocity .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I was taught that one should do higher repetition movements with lighter weights in order to warm up . And then one of the things that did make a big positive difference for me in terms of strength and hypertrophy training was to do um a moderate repetition , warm up with a fairly lightweight , but then to actually keep the number of warm up repetitions fairly low and work progressively toward the first so called work set .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Very first one , my general rule of thumb is like whatever it takes to move . Perfect in that first exercise past that you don't necessarily need to do individualized warm ups for your next movements . Unless it is a movement you're trying to learn or just even get a little bit better at drop the load a little bit .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Fantastic or it's another dissimilar complex movement . So let's say your first exercise was , uh , a front squat and you got loader for that and now you're gonna move into a pull up , but your mechanics aren't the best there . And so you really need to change and do some , maybe more specific activation , warm ups for that or something else or it's running or , or something totally different .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um Brian Mann at Missouri and , and Miami tons of work here . And generally those communities are not going to count any repetition as a working set until you exceed 70% of your one rep max where that's changed because of uh a lot of people doing the velocity based stuff is now they're basing that simply on an achieved velocity . And so , really , the warm up is irrelevant .