What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Like your joints feel good , you feel fresh , you feel activated and you really feel peak power . Anything before that is a warm up set in the sport of Olympic weightlifting . Um A lot of times the coaches will measure Barba velocity .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I was taught that one should do higher repetition movements with lighter weights in order to warm up . And then one of the things that did make a big positive difference for me in terms of strength and hypertrophy training was to do um a moderate repetition , warm up with a fairly lightweight , but then to actually keep the number of warm up repetitions fairly low and work progressively toward the first so called work set . When you say 3 to 5 , that's 3 to 5 work sets , correct ?

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I was taught that one should do higher repetition movements with lighter weights in order to warm up . And then one of the things that did make a big positive difference for me in terms of strength and hypertrophy training was to do um a moderate repetition , warm up with a fairly lightweight , but then to actually keep the number of warm up repetitions fairly low and work progressively toward the first so called work set .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

This is a really , actually , this is a very clever question . You want to have some sort of general global warm up scheme . Uh We tend to prefer dynamic warm ups .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

When you say 3 to 5 , that's 3 to 5 work sets , correct ? Are you also gonna tell me 3 to 5 warmups ? No .