What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You need to differentiate if you're training for speed , power strength or approach speed . Here's what if we understand a little bit about what's causing the adaptation that's going to tell you what you need to do or avoid . For example , volume is the primary driver in hypertrophy .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Are you also gonna tell me it has to be done between three and 5 p.m. Uh So in terms of in all seriousness , what does a good warm up look like ? And I realize this will vary depending on how cool your training environment is time of day , et cetera . But as a kind of umbrella for a good warm up , what should people do ?

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Fair point . We generally think about warm ups in a couple of ways . This is a really , actually , this is a very clever question .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

What what that means is you need to preserve intensity for the first three you need to preserve volume in the second one at most . So if your warm up is so ex extensive in the hypertrophy training that it compromises your training volume because of fatigue . Even if it compromises the last set of the last exercise , then you're actually probably walking yourself backwards by doing that extensive .

What's the Best Way to Warm Up for a Workout? | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You want to have some sort of general global warm up scheme . Uh We tend to prefer dynamic warm ups . So this is whole body movements rather than like sitting and stretching , uh static stretching , things like that .