LA Unscripted | January 26th, 2023

The Queen Annes that we have here are reminiscent of our childhood in fairy tales . The houses that are on this street are national monuments historical . It has a lot of East Lake styling which we see in the lace and the knobs and the dental , which are the little squares that look like teeth .

LA Unscripted | January 26th, 2023

Owners needed to do something creative to be known . And so they used to build like buildings that looked like something like the whiskey barrel or the shoe or the Randy's doughnuts , you know , things like that . That's the way it was back in the day .

LA Unscripted | January 26th, 2023

Carroll Avenue is a charming little street in Angelina Heights which is near Dodger Stadium . The highest concentration of Queen Anne style architecture built in the Victorian age . Tell me about this house .

LA Unscripted | January 26th, 2023

And I did tell her that everybody said that this place was very Disney esque and she stopped me and she says , no , no , no , don't let anybody ever tell you that Disney is very Clifton's esque and that is all the time we have for tonight . We may be a young city but we have so much cool history to preserve and we love the people who are doing it . Thank you so much for joining us .

LA Unscripted | January 26th, 2023

It was built in 18 87 18 87 18 87 . We need to protect them because they reflect a time and a period in architectural style that we are losing rapidly . We can't go forward until we look at our past and see where we came from .