Sure . So our company is called Vitus . Um that's Latin for virtue and honor .


And that typically means best behavior . It typically means um even showcasing that good behavior , community give back one of the things that we talk to our athletes about when they come on with virtus is that um we want to assist them in becoming legendary , which is different from just being a great athlete . Um When you're a legend that means that you're tied into your community , that means that people um associate themselves with you and connect with you on a level deeper than just what you do on the court or on the field .


Um However , because of that and because of that reach businesses are willing to partner with them on nil deals just because of their following . And so , um I would tell any athlete watching this or anybody that's trying to , that would want to help an athlete prepare for college , prepare , prepare for their nil is be very aware and intentional of your brand um at all times . And that typically means best behavior .


At the same time , we have businesses that reach out um that , that say , hey , I want to do a deal with an athlete . So we help that business maximize their budget and get the most out of it as possible to where the business wins and the athlete wins and everybody stays safe in the process . Got you .


Now , in regards um to advice and preparation for this , um , there's many reasons why I think that nil is a great thing . Um some personal reasons , um personal for the athlete themselves and be able to help that . But one of the reasons is um businesses want to do business with um a brand , an athlete brand that is positive .