LA Unscripted | July 10th, 2023

I am a chiropractor crystal and sound healer . Back Benders is a bespoke Wellness space . It's a clinic I've owned for about 12 going on 13 years now we offer chiropractic massage , Pilates , energy healing and a sound healing modality that I use called biophy tuning .

LA Unscripted | July 10th, 2023

They can cause physical pain , but it can also cause anxiety PTSD and that's where sound therapy can help . Hi , I'm Doctor Betty , the owner of Back Benders . I am a chiropractor crystal and sound healer .

LA Unscripted | July 10th, 2023

And so that prompted me into sort of seeking out different modalities such as the crystals , the sound healing energy work . So the AIC feels is a sister business of back benders . And that came from trying to really help make patients in a more holistic way .

LA Unscripted | July 10th, 2023

So , healing gardens is essentially a community of these private beautiful gem gardens all over L A and we are expanding nationwide . People come here to do have dates in the garden , have yoga , meditation in the garden . Everyone's stuck at home working and I'm sure people get sick of looking at the same four walls all the time .

LA Unscripted | July 10th, 2023

So we actually have a whole wellness program here and we have everything from sound bath , meditation , um yoga , reiki , a whole list of classes that our members can go to work day . If they're feeling a little stressed , they can shut that laptop , go do a guided meditation , come back and feel refreshed and focused to kind of have a productive birthday that looks like an actual office . Yeah .