GDL April 11, 2023

And um as , as you know , how studios go , we aren't necessarily distribution but working on that too in the moment . Uh , distribution I find comes when the project's good . Yeah , I mean , the projects are really good .

GDL April 11, 2023

Yeah , I mean , the projects are really good . They're here to distribute the good projects , not the bad ones . So they'll find you .

GDL April 11, 2023

Uh , distribution I find comes when the project's good . Yeah , I mean , the projects are really good . They're here to distribute the good projects , not the bad ones .

GDL April 11, 2023

These are , these are the beginning of M and M studios where we will tell movies and TV shows . And um as , as you know , how studios go , we aren't necessarily distribution but working on that too in the moment . Uh , distribution I find comes when the project's good .

GDL April 11, 2023

I'm a cancer . Um manifest your professional visions today . Uh write down your career aspirations on a piece of paper to set your intentions , emotions , dreams are necessary .