How to Time Light for Optimal Sleep & Wakefulness | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

You could do this for your skin and , and you know , protect your skin . That's not my area of expertise but for , for that effect on the circadian system , as long as you're outside in the shade and a sunny day , 10 to 15 minutes should be ample amount . Ok .

How to Time Light for Optimal Sleep & Wakefulness | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

You could ask any photographer a cloudy day unless it's really dark , dark clouds , usually cloudy days have much more bright outside than inside the room , even when you have good lighting inside the room . So I think in the outside is usually , even when it's cloudy , you're going to get enough intensity to help you adjust your cycle to the day , night cycle . So how , how long do you , these are general rules of thumb ?

How to Time Light for Optimal Sleep & Wakefulness | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

Does it ? Let's say somebody is in a condition where there's a lot of cloud cover , is it important to get outside ? So I have to tell you the cloudiest day is going to be much more brighter than your room .

How to Time Light for Optimal Sleep & Wakefulness | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

So if it's very bright , you don't need a lot because it's clearly gonna make you fire like crazy . But if it's not bright , stay longer , stay for one hour , you know , have your coffee outside or something like that , it's just gonna help . I think you said something extremely important , which is that this circadian system is trying to figure out when you are in time .

How to Time Light for Optimal Sleep & Wakefulness | Samer Hattar & Andrew Huberman

So how , how long do you , these are general rules of thumb ? But how long do you recommend people go out if you do it daily , you possibly need very if you do it daily because you remember this thing is going to happen on a daily matter . So the clock is tracking it on a regular .