I , I'll give you the highlights of things but uh I was raised in out of foster homes . I was put into foster care twice once at four months , uh due to neglect and abandonment and then put back into my mother's hands . Then my brother was born and we were living in a motel room , very unstable situation , very volatile .
But being elderly , taking care of two toddlers was unsustainable for them . So our next best thing was to be put back into foster care and we were put back into foster care for about another six years where we bounced up and down around the east coast and then landed into a semi permanent home for the latter part of our foster care experience . And then we were blessed enough to be adopted at the ages of eight and six by two amazing individuals .
Do you have ? I , I'll give you the highlights of things but uh I was raised in out of foster homes . I was put into foster care twice once at four months , uh due to neglect and abandonment and then put back into my mother's hands .
We intentions at the tone but habits allowing you to shine this book . Um You also um have a fostering system . You do a lot .
Out of all the things that you do ? I mean , you know , you're helping the foster care system , you've got this great book . Uh you , you're a runner .