Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It has to do with the specific frequencies of sound that are in the noise . Well , white noise and pink noise have been shown to not improve concentration per se but to improve people's ability to transition into concentrated states . So I don't tend to use white noise and pink noise while I work .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So assuming that you are sleeping well , 80% of the nights of your life or at least working on the various protocols and tools to sleep well and sufficiently long , 80% of the nights of your life and you are interested in additional tools that are sound based in order to improve your ability to concentrate and focus . There are quality peer reviewed studies supporting the idea that white noise or pink noise and believe it or not , there is something called pink noise . It has to do with the specific frequencies of sound that are in the noise .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um The folks I know from the engineering and computer science side get really into these details of white noise , pink noise , brown noise . You can find white noise , pink noise or brown noise and listen to it through headphones or in the room . There is indeed some data to support the fact that white noise and to some extent , pink noise and brown noise can support the release of particular neurochemicals .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

You can find white noise , pink noise or brown noise and listen to it through headphones or in the room . There is indeed some data to support the fact that white noise and to some extent , pink noise and brown noise can support the release of particular neurochemicals . But more data showing that they can amplify the activity of neurons in the so called prefrontal cortex .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

There's 40 Hertz by neural beats used before or during bouts of focus and concentration . And if you don't like those or even if you do , you might alternate them with or occasionally use white noise , pink noise or brown noise also readily available at zero cost .