Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh This is also available for Android phone . There's an app called Brain Wave and you can go there , you can dial in 40 Hertz and it'll play these Binaural Beats . It's been shown in multiple quality peer reviewed studies that playing a pattern of sound waves to one ear do do do do do and the other ear which is slightly offset in frequency meaning not quite the same frequencies .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

This front area sort of the bumper behind your forehead uh that is directly related to your ability to direct your own focus and remain focused on certain things . So you have the option of either using binaural beats before but not during your work . That is 40 Hertz by neural beats or 40 Hertz neural beats throughout your attempt to focus .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

In fact , I'll give it to you now , which is that 40 Hertz Binal Beats have been shown in a number of peer reviewed studies to increase focus and concentration . And if you'd like to access 40 Hertz Binal Beats in order to improve your focus and concentration , you can do that . You can actually get it at zero cost .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's quite a bit different than a tool that I'll provide later and I'll just give you a little hint of now . In fact , I'll give it to you now , which is that 40 Hertz Binal Beats have been shown in a number of peer reviewed studies to increase focus and concentration . And if you'd like to access 40 Hertz Binal Beats in order to improve your focus and concentration , you can do that .

Do Binaural Beats Increase Focus & Attention? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I'm doing that bout of cognitive work . I'll also sometimes use the 40 Hertz bin neuro beats prior to a workout in particular weight workouts where I really want to be able to focus on and contract specific muscles . So it's a very useful tool again , supported by quality peer reviewed science .