GDL April 29,2023

And I was like , I don't know . And then I was like , oh , I got a curse . We came up with that together .

GDL April 29,2023

Uh Everyone's just , the world is upside down . I don't even know Michelle's cursing . That heads are .

GDL April 29,2023

Have a really good one . Don't say F bombs on TV . Don't say I'll start sweating .

GDL April 29,2023

He's like , you're a good actor , like , just do like you can do it . And I was like , I don't know if I can cuss , I never cuss like I , I actually asked you to stop , like to take it down when you , like , say FF that and yet you're like , uh you're from New Jersey doing that . Yeah .

GDL April 29,2023

Well , you know , with us , we got a lot going on behind the scenes . So I was very worried about a lot of things with the F bombs . I will say .