Go ahead . Tell , tell the audience what you're gonna say . You've , you've been , you , you've actually seen this go down .
Like I think everyone got awards that night . I don't think , I thought for sure that , like I would be , I was actually preparing a speech that it was a well written show though and that's why everyone joins . It's a great written show .
Ok . Uh Yeah , you talk about what you're on your phone , just talk , you're gotta talk for me right now . Ok , I'll talk to you right now .
You're like , can you ask for a professional five a straight ? Are we not airing right now ? No , we're not airing now .
So we should make predictions on either people dating , breaking up or something else in the entertainment industry , something we can make a prediction about . But I'm just gonna spitball on live television because we can , because you can , um let us know when the interactive chat , if you actually like to see that concept , we should get the cricket sound . There's four , we got four that's higher than three .