LA Unscripted | May 30th, 2023

That is insane . I think when a lot of people think of seafood restaurants , they think of fresh seafood . You don't really think of tinned seafood .

LA Unscripted | May 30th, 2023

And I love that , you know , you can still enjoy sushi and be vegan . And it's like some of the greatest sushis that there is from f fish to Caviar clams and crustaceans today . We are luring you in with so how sensational seafood spots next up being in the know on where to go crazy for cru crudo was something that I was already known for working with local fish and working with these sort of Italian flavors , but with an L A palate .

LA Unscripted | May 30th, 2023

So tell me a little bit about that . Tinned seafood has been a part of our brand since day one . You know , we have about 100 different tins on our menu really ranging from sardines to mackerel to Mussels as you have on your , they're all curated by Cathy and myself and you know , we've picked them for the restaurant and they're great .

LA Unscripted | May 30th, 2023

Sure to get you hooked first stop revealing what it means to be a salty girl . The quality of lobster in this is outstanding . Oh , you wouldn't dare me to eat the bone .

LA Unscripted | May 30th, 2023

And it's like some of the greatest sushis that there is from f fish to Caviar clams and crustaceans today . We are luring you in with so how sensational seafood spots next up being in the know on where to go crazy for cru crudo was something that I was already known for working with local fish and working with these sort of Italian flavors , but with an L A palate . So doing something that was really seafood forward , that was choosing things the right way was super important to me and you get the halibut today just scaled right now .