But if you go to a big 10 school , you can get on the field immediately . Like just don't make a decision based off what a program has already done , make a decision off of what a program can help you achieve the goals that you wanna accomplish in life . Um Just like , just like for me , um I chose , I chose Michigan because like I said , once again , make a fouryear decision instead of a fouryear decision .
So with the coaching staff leaving , like it left , it left me in a bad place kinda because I made a decision off of people instead of being in love with the school . So what I would tell like younger recruits , people that are looking to go D one is just find somewhere that's makes you happy like a school , make a 40 a 40 year decision instead of a fouryear decision . What I mean by that is like , what do , what do the school have for you outside of football ?
Like just don't make a decision based off what a program has already done , make a decision off of what a program can help you achieve the goals that you wanna accomplish in life . Um Just like , just like for me , um I chose , I chose Michigan because like I said , once again , make a fouryear decision instead of a fouryear decision . Michigan .
Um Then the coaching staff left so I decommitted . So with the coaching staff leaving , like it left , it left me in a bad place kinda because I made a decision off of people instead of being in love with the school . So what I would tell like younger recruits , people that are looking to go D one is just find somewhere that's makes you happy like a school , make a 40 a 40 year decision instead of a fouryear decision .
Um like I wanted to go to parties , I couldn't go . But that made , that made , that made me somewhat the person that I am today because without going to those parties , um it made me very successful because I instead of going to those parties . My , my stepfather would make me go and work out like just a not , not get too comfortable even though I was good enough .