How to Build Your Weekly Workout Program | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And , and here I'm talking about the typical person who would like to maintain or maybe even , um , add some muscle mass , probably in particular areas for most people as opposed to just overall mass . Although we'll talk about that later and people want to maintain a relatively low body fat percentage and be in good cardiovascular health . What's the sort of contour of a basic program that anybody could think about as a starting place ?

How to Build Your Weekly Workout Program | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But amazingly , at least to me , if I keep those workouts to about 10 minutes , 10 minutes of warm up and 55 0 minutes or so , of really hard work for resistance training . And I keep the cardiovascular work to about 30 to 45 minutes . I feel great and I seem to make some progress at least someplace in the workout from workout to workout .

How to Build Your Weekly Workout Program | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

One of your mantras is , uh , you know , if you want to look like an athlete train like an athlete and I think that's something really special that sets aside what you do from what a lot of other , um , very well qualified people do . And in terms of the use of weights and resistance , whether or not it's body weight or weights in the gym or pulleys versus cardio , you know , in terms of overall health , aesthetics and athleticism , is there a way that you could point to , you know , the idea that maybe people should be doing , you know , 50% resistance training and 50% cardio , maybe it's 7030 maybe it's 3070 . And , and here I'm talking about the typical person who would like to maintain or maybe even , um , add some muscle mass , probably in particular areas for most people as opposed to just overall mass .

How to Build Your Weekly Workout Program | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um That and again , if you're training primarily for strength , that could prolong the workout cause the longer rest time in between sets . But in general , when you're not focused on that one aspect , but the overall health picture , then you can get the job done in , in under , in under an hour . And again , I always say on top of if , if you wanna look like an athlete train like an athlete is you can either train long or you can train hard , but you can't do both .

How to Build Your Weekly Workout Program | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I , I've been weight training for about 30 years running for about 30 years . Um and mainly for health and have found that if I work hard in the gym or at resistance training for more than 60 minutes or so , it's very hard for me to recover . I start getting colds , I start getting weaker from workout to workout .