LA Unscripted | May 13th, 2022

I use it to kind of just relax and get my thoughts together . Definitely heightens you know , my passion for seafood and working with things that are from the ocean just because I love being in . So the Thai snapper has been grilled over Japanese charcoal .

LA Unscripted | May 13th, 2022

This is actually a spread that my mother used to . There's a little bit of Tobiko which is fish , roe cream cheese , a little sour cream , a little seaweed as chefs , I think exposing people to amazing products being able to prepare in a way that they've never had to make people happy through food and expose somebody to something new . Brings me a lot of joy .

LA Unscripted | May 13th, 2022

One , it looks beautiful garnish in Japanese cuisine , but wise , they're great in pastas . They are great with um seafood items . They are great with actually the pork as well .

LA Unscripted | May 13th, 2022

I've been , you know , surfing the beaches here since I was little . I definitely get a lot of inspiration , surfing , I think surfing , you know , the restaurant business is really crazy . So it's kind of like church for me .

LA Unscripted | May 13th, 2022

Let's see if we can add our little bit of uh fine dining twist of things and , and make it a little bit more refined . I tend to always kind of look towards the Asian street food culture to kind of get ideas and see what kind of ideas I can kind of uh inspire some of our new dishes because they're actually like at the frontier of some of this stuff . I started seeing all these Japanese souffle pancakes show up on my feet .