GDL April 24, 2023

Well , there's no fighting today . Uh , today is all about , um , this is brother , this is brother . It was for my family .

GDL April 24, 2023

No , no , no , no , no , no . The actual , what Bruce Buffer would say before every boxing match pay per view for like 2030 years and then his brother does UFC . Look , what do you know it's to , to , to start the show .

GDL April 24, 2023

What's the name Bruce ? Buffer ? Bruce ?

GDL April 24, 2023

Um , I think to , uh , to learn big life lessons , but that's a whole another topic . Um , how is your , how , how's your , how's your Wednesday going kai better now that I heard the buffer brothers . You feel , you feel good ?

GDL April 24, 2023

Um This is epic . Uh Our friends over . Oh , that's me .