I would spend less time with very simple . Then I would move on to step three and I would start to tell better feeling stories based in truth about everything and everyone in my life , including myself , right ? So that could be called positive thinking .
So that could be called positive thinking . Although I think that gets a bad rap , I sometimes like to call constructive thinking . It's just thinking and talking to yourself and others in ways that support you feeling what you most want to feel , experiencing what you most want to experience or achieving what you most want to achieve .
Then I would move on to step three and I would start to tell better feeling stories based in truth about everything and everyone in my life , including myself , right ? So that could be called positive thinking . Although I think that gets a bad rap , I sometimes like to call constructive thinking .
Ok . First step number two , I would do the same thing with people . So people that supported my happiness , I would spend more time with people that did not support my happiness .
Although I think that gets a bad rap , I sometimes like to call constructive thinking . It's just thinking and talking to yourself and others in ways that support you feeling what you most want to feel , experiencing what you most want to experience or achieving what you most want to achieve .