LA Unscripted | January 25th, 2022

And luckily Jasmine Simpkins is coming to the rescue . Welcome to Bloom and bloom . You're getting a warm welcome from Mr Leroy .

LA Unscripted | January 25th, 2022

Well , thank you for having a answer . You're very welcome here to see the space bloom and bloom is my flower business that I've had since 2010 . I started it as a way to follow a little bit more of my creativity , we make custom arrangements .

LA Unscripted | January 25th, 2022

So my brother and I um partnered together , he runs the business side of it . I run the creative side of it and we open bloom and plum coffee . We have all of your regulars .

LA Unscripted | January 25th, 2022

The rose garden which is five acres is , I think the favorite garden for visitors . And it's probably because we have so many varieties that bloom from spring almost all the way until November just really overflowing with roses . The oaks I would say is maybe what we are known for .

LA Unscripted | January 25th, 2022

Like , how did you guys come up with it ? I really have a love for flowers . I knew I was starting the flower business and I love feathers and boom .