Regular Guy Friday ep 128. The Regular Guy 4-Part Healing Program

But uh but Barbie , yeah , Barbie Bobby , I saw Bobby last night and uh now have you had time to see Bobby ? I have not seen Bobby yet but I am gonna see it . You're gonna love it .

Regular Guy Friday ep 128. The Regular Guy 4-Part Healing Program

But don't let that poison me . Don't let see the Bobby movie which wants to light All Men on fire and I know half the population is gonna now light Men on fire from seeing that movie . But don't let that bother me .

Regular Guy Friday ep 128. The Regular Guy 4-Part Healing Program

Yeah , so , so the big um yeah , we'll talk about some hopefully some things that matter . But uh but Barbie , yeah , Barbie Bobby , I saw Bobby last night and uh now have you had time to see Bobby ? I have not seen Bobby yet but I am gonna see it .

Regular Guy Friday ep 128. The Regular Guy 4-Part Healing Program

It's just more of it . Now , if you go back to swimming with sharks , it was the kind of the first movie made about how messed up our business is uh Kevin Spacey of all people plays this sinister cruel studio boss and his assistant and all these other assistants , they , they're chain smoking . They , they like , they , they um they have no social lives .

Regular Guy Friday ep 128. The Regular Guy 4-Part Healing Program

And then now with social media , it's so magnified like you said , because you can , I wouldn't be able to see the tiktok . I might hear about , I might hear on the news about uh well , our big thing was hearing about the 22 year old filmmaker who won Sundance Kevin Smith or uh Ed Burns . And then that became the , our person that we had to be .