aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

Hi , welcome to Light Masters . So today on the show , we have Rob Mack and Rob is a happiness coach . He's absolutely phenomenal .

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

And that was sort of that I felt on the inside . It was also this existential angst that began to develop where I looked at life as a whole and I was always very good at playing things out to the end . Like so , um and I would say , OK , if I accomplish X or Y or Z , then what happens ?

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

That's it . It's just a belief and that so that unhappiness to a large extent is an illusion . It's not that you're not experiencing it , but the same way that you have a dream and in that dream you imagine you're suffering , ok ?

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

What is the one thing do you think ? Um , that causes unhappiness in a human , in a person ? There's only one thing and it's a great , great question .

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

It's a mind that cannot stop thinking . It is the only source of unhappiness in the entire planet . I just need to take a deep breath .